When we left Texas we went to Boulder, Colorado, where we kept a hotel until 1893, after which we traveled through Wyoming, Montana, @Idaho, Washington, @Oregon, then back to Montana, then to Dakota, arriving in Deadwood October 9th, 1895, after an absence of seventeen years. My arrival in Deadwood after an absence of so many years created quite an excitement among my many friends of the past, to such an extent that a vast number of the citizens who had come to Deadwood during my absence who had heard so much of Calamity Jane and her many adventures in former years were anxious to see me. Among the many whom I met were several gentlemen from eastern cities who advised me to allow myself to be placed before the public in such a manner as to give the people of the eastern cities an opportunity of seeing the Woman Scout who was made so famous through her daring career in the West and Black Hill countries. An agent of @Kohl & @Middleton, the celebrated museum men, came to Deadwood through the solicitation of the gentleman who I had met there, and arrangements were made to place me before the public in this manner. My first engagement began at the Palace Museum, @Minneapolis, January 20th, 1896, under Kohl and Middleton's management. Hoping that this little history of my life may interest all readers, I remain as in the older days, Yours, Mrs. M. Burk Better Known as Calamity Jane